
Select operating system and distribution for which the 0.1a (57) version of Sunflower will be downloaded. If your distribution is not listed try downloading generic archive.

DebianUbuntuLinux MintelementaryRedHatFedoraMageiaMandrivaOpenSUSEPCLinuxOSGentooArchArchiveAll product names used in this website are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Sunflower or people involved with the project. These trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers.

All versions

Version:Build number:Files:
Sunflower 0.5636
Sunflower 0.4626
Sunflower 0.3618
Sunflower 0.3603
Sunflower 0.2598
Sunflower 0.1a588
Sunflower 0.1a576
Sunflower 0.1a565